Gifford Lea - One Of The First Retirement Communities In The UK To Complete First Rounds Of COVID-19 Vaccinations
Gifford Lea - Leading the Way
Ahead of the curve, as usual, Inspired villages were one of the first retirement communities in the UK to successfully support the vaccine rollout for its 82 residents at Gifford Lea.
Inspired Villages helped residents with the logistics of getting vaccinated, assisted the booking of individual appointments as well as travel to vaccination centres.
Inspired Villages were delighted to provide light at the end of the tunnel for its grateful residents via their first jab; and further comfort residents with a tangible timeline for their second vaccination, immunity and a return to normal life.
Gifford Lea resident, Jean Beatty, 91, said: “I couldn’t be more ecstatic, this is the first step towards normality again. I feel great and all residents at the village are now looking to the future!”
Gifford Lea Resident, Jean Beatty, 91
Despite circumstances, Inspired Villages didn’t skip a beat, and with a little reworking, all socialising and physical activity continued within government guidelines. Knowing how important it was for residents to have something to look forward to, Inspired Villages introduced online quizzes, G&T socials held on balconies and patios, and the Buddy Call service. Buddy Call kept residents and Inspired team members connected. Team members called in regularly to check residents had all they needed at home and encourage them to keep moving. While residents were able to chat and put the world to rights for as little or as long as they wanted and maintain the sense of community Gifford Lea residents are used too.
Jessica Bennett, village manager at Gifford Lea commented: “We couldn’t be more thrilled to have successfully provided our residents with the first vaccine against coronavirus. It’s been an extremely tough year for all but being able to offer our residents the chance to be one step closer to regaining the independence they cherish and deserve has given everyone a lot of hope. We are on hand to support our residents with getting their second dose and can’t wait to open up our facilities again following Government guidance. The day we can embrace families and friends again really will be something special”
The relatively immature nature of the UK’s retirement sector still presents its challenges. However, Inspired Villages have managed to create a winning formula that meets the needs of today’s retirees. Inspired Villages sees retirement as a later life adventure. A chance to experience, grow, do and become. This is echoed through all their developments and Gifford Lea is no exception.